
Summit Schedule

8:00AM – Registration opens

9:00AM - Producer & Chairperson’s Conference Welcome
Tania Ferreira, Senior Conference Producer, Bonhill Group, UK Sabinije von Gaffke, Founder, The Game Changer Global Initiative & Impactfulness, Sweden

THE TECH REVOLUTION, Sponsored by UiPath

9:10AM - PANEL DISCUSSION: Emerging technologies taking eastern Europe by storm
  • Discussing the top technological developments across the region
  • How has the tech revolution influenced internal processes and client services?
  • How have customer demands and customer journeys changed in the last 3 years?
  • Tackling company culture and effectively switching from legacy systems/processes to accommodate change
  • Predictions: Which tech will have the largest impact on the industry over the next 3 years and why?

Moderator: Steliana Moraru, Board Member – Head of Marketing & Strategy, Global Women in Tech, Romania  Cristiana Vicovan, Co-Founder & CTO, UIQT, Romania Nena Dokuzov, Blockchain Technologies Coordinator, Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, Slovenia Merana Sadikovic Mandzukic, CTO, Emerging Markets Consultants, Bosnia and Herzegovina Jonida CarkaHead of IT Sector for Ministry of Justice, National Agency of Information Society, Albania 

9:50AM PRESENTATION: Cyber-attacks and how to deal with – save your business!
  • Attack vectors in today’s world – how easy it is to become a victim 
  • As a leader you need to identify your valuables for business – are they protected? 
  • Mitigating the business risks related to cybersecurity breaches 
  • Clearly differentiating between organizational vs technological security 
  • Best practices – building your cybersecurity strategy + reminder of very simple but often forgotten steps 

Merana Sadikovic Mandzukic, CTO, Emerging Markets Consultants, Bosnia and Herzegovina 

10:10AM - PRESENTATION: The benefits of automated processes and how it influences the workforce
  • How extensive amounts of data is sorted through, filtered and processed efficiently
  • How automated systems are reducing workloads and increasing problem-solving efficiency
  • Discussing the opportunities of focusing on new projects and less on mundane tasks
  • How significant and how disruptive will the reduction in the workforce be?
  • What new jobs are being created and how are we promoting these “new skill requirements” to current and new tech professionals?

Maria Mihes, Automation Technology Manager, UiPath, Romania 

10:30AM - Morning Break & Speed Networking
11:15AM - INTERVIEW: Money making machine learning – the recommendations that make all the difference
  • Understanding your data and knowing what information to use from the “black box”
  • Analysing revenue generation through recommendation systems by global brands
  • Identifying customer interests and behaviours through user clicks/searches to offer recommendations accordingly
  • How do you make this analysis sustainable with large traffic levels?
  • What’s next – how will recommendation features continue to evolve further?

Moderator: Sabinije von Gaffke, Founder, The Game Changer Global Initiative & Impactfulness, Sweden Manja Bogicevic, Co-Founder, Kageera, Serbia and Montenegro

11:40AM - PRESENTATION: Myths about external data monetization: confirmed or busted
  • Why data is considered to be “the new oil” for businesses
  • How can businesses (non-typical data sellers) create additional revenue streams from the “oil” they already have.
  • Why selling your data is a good idea
  • Understanding the challenges and opportunities for non-typical and data-rich businesses
  • Explaining DATA DO’s journey and ideas on how to earn money in the data market

Marijana Agic-Molnar, CEO and Data Strategist, DATA-DO, Serbia

CONQUERING OPPORTUNITIES IN THE TECH INDUSTRY sponsored by Societe General European business services

12:00PM - PANEL DISCUSSION: The road to international success – embracing your ambition for more
  • Analysing gender statistics across eastern Europe and the increased number of female professionals in tech
  • What are the differences and similarities between Western and Eastern female IT professionals
  • Greater representation but less promotion – why?
  • Why professionals are looking outward – discussing the implications of the loss of local professional talent
  • Discussing the professional opportunities in technology within Eastern Europe
  • What can Eastern European countries do to nurture and maintain local talent?

Moderator: Mihai Draghici, Co-Founder and Startup Advisor, TechVentures, Romania Doina PopaFormer CIO Salesforce, Barclays, UK Yulia Alyasheva, Head of Process, Quality, IT and IT/Physical Security Department, T-Systems, Russia Andreea-Ioana Mares, Business Program Manager, Microsoft, Netherlands Lucia-Elena Voinescu, Head of ITIM Business Development, Societe Generale European Business Services, Romania

12:40PM PRESENTATION: From the ground to the cloud: My career story
  • The Microsoft career path 
  • The role of women in the IT world 
  • Identifying the challenges and opportunities 
  • Where to find you motivation to grow and be a better version of yourself 

Alexandra Ciortea, Solution Architect – Data and AI CTO Office, Microsoft, Romania

13:00PM - PRESENTATION: Being the link between the tech and business world
  • Understanding the differences, roles and responsibilities of Product Managers and Product Owners
  • Why Product Manager roles offer the best of both worlds for skill development
  • How to effectively communicate customer needs and deliver superior products and services
  • Where are the opportunities – top tips on how to get into product management

Milica Cicmil, IT Project Manager, Devoteam, Serbia

13:20PM - PRESENTATION: Entrepreneurial rewards
  • Taking the leap into your own venture
  • Highlighting the risks, challenges, opportunities and rewards
  • The how to’s and case study examples of entrepreneurial journeys

Cristiana Vicovan, Co-Founder & CTO, UIQT, Romania

13:40PM – Networking Lunch


14:40PM - PRESENTATION: Navigating your way in the exciting world of IT/Tech
  • Highlighting the importance of soft and hard skills in tech
  • Identifying the right company and gateway job opportunity
  • Finding the courage to pursue new challenges and expand your comfort zone
  • The importance of developing new skills, learning on the job and embracing constant change

Joanna Aved, Senior Manager – Head of Budapest Global IT Center, Hungary

15:00PM - PANEL DISCUSSION: Identifying and being the ideal role model & mentor
  • What does the ideal role model and mentor look like?
  • Discussing the importance of female role models in the tech industry
  • What are the common mistakes that mentors do and what are the skills that a mentor must have?
  • Evolving from a mentor to a potential sponsor for aspiring professionals
  • Highlighting roles models that support and advance their team members – what are the outcomes?

Moderator: Mihai Draghici, Co-Founder and Startup Advisor, TechVentures, Romania Joanna Aved, Senior Manager – Head of Budapest Global IT Center, Hungary Elena Unciuleanu, Executive Manager and Founder, Reporting Center and TechVentures, Romania Cristina Zancu, Head of IT Operations, Bitdefender, Romania  Marija Topovic, CTO, PurchaseControl, Serbia 

15:50PM – Afternoon Networking Break

16:20PM - PANEL DISCUSSION: Being a leader from start to finish in your professional career
  • Speaking the language of a leader – what does this mean?
  • Comparing various leadership styles – strengths, weaknesses and innovative approaches
  • How to lead effectively and be you
  • Overcoming your own unconscious bias and getting to the top
  • Top tips from leaders across industries

Moderator: Simona Sandru, President and Founder, Global Women in Tech, Romania Doina PopaFormer CIO Salesforce, Barclays, UK Natasa Djukanovic, CMO, Domain.ME, Montenegro  Jonida CarkaHead of IT Sector for Ministry of Justice, National Agency of Information Society, Albania Yulia Alyasheva, Head of Process, Quality, IT and IT/Physical Security Department, T-Systems, Russia 

17:00PM - SUMMIT ROUND-UP: The future of tech in Eastern Europe
  • Discussing the key takeaways from this year’s summit
  • How will you implement some of these ideas into your organisation?
  • What will be the challenges and new opportunities moving forward?
  • What topics and focus should be considered for WIT in 2020?
  • Accountability & Legacy – Pledge your plan of action for 2019/2020
17:15PM - End of Conference. See you next year!

Register your interest for 2020!