Presentation College, Carlow
Presentation College, Carlow has always been an innovative school, drawing on the talents and skills of staff, students and parents to provide a host of educational programmes and projects. Nowhere is this more obvious than in the school’s IT Department which has directed and guided the school community to avail of the educational benefits of modern technology. The renowned educator, John Dewey, once said that “Today’s schools have to constantly ensure that the curriculum, teaching strategies and resources provided, ensure that the students engage successfully and that they are provided with the skills and education needed to participate meaningfully in an increasingly global, technological and online world.
Our tip would be collaborative teaching and learning using technology, the reason for this is to engage with students using critical learning techniques to promote the use of IT. To do so we have introduced the use of devices: phones and iPads into our school. iPads have been a great resource and have enhanced the learning of our students through ebooks and apps such as Padlet, all protected by school managed system.
As of this school year the wifi network has been opened to all staff and students for access throughout the day in all classrooms.
In 2014 our school created Microsoft Office 365 accounts for all staff and students for the easy communication of documents such as homework, assignments, note’s etc. This has introduced many of our students to a tech lifestyle and made homework and assignments much faster to complete.
SchoolWise is a VLE used in our school also.A safe space to share our resources.